Occupational therapy can be tremendously helpful in supporting children in building skills to help them succeedin their “occupation” - to learn, play, and grow.
Who Can Benefit
Occupational therapy benefits children and teens with any of the following challenges:
Developmental delays and/or learning disabilities
Autism Spectrum Disorder
Genetic or medical diagnoses
ADHD/ADD, or other attention deficits
Executive functioning difficulties (time management, decision making, organization, memory)
Social emotional dysregulation (frequent meltdowns, difficulty with peers, anxiety)
Managing stress
Sensory processing Issues (avoids certain clothing or textures, sensitive to sounds, plays too roughly with others, etc.)
Gross and fine motor delays
Handwriting difficulties (dysgraphia)
Visual motor delays
Poor body awareness and motor planning (clumsy, bruises easily, struggles with learning new tasks, etc.)
Lack of self-care skills (dressing, managing fasteners, grooming, sleep, bowel/bladder control)
What to Expect
Evaluations are generally 55 minutes and include a parent interview & medical history, relevant assessments pertaining to developmental, sensory and/or motor skills, and reflex and neuromotor screenings.
After the evaluation, parents and caregivers will receive a detailed report with findings from the evaluation, areas of weakness and strengths, and recommendations for treatment and continued care. This report is usually delivered within 3 weeks of the evaluation date.
If continuing therapy is appropriate for your child, follow-up sessions may be scheduled (permitting availability) in the Parker Place office.
Occupational therapy at Parker Place focuses on the “whole person” and utilizes a play-based therapy approach that combines the following therapy practices:
Motor-based learning
Growth mindset
Conscious discipline
Neurodivergent affirming therapy
Rhythmic Movement Training (RMTi)
Masgutova Neurosensorimotor Reflex Integration Approach (MNRI)
STAR Institute theoretical model and framework
Astronaut Training Program, for kids with sensory processing difficulties
SOS approach to feeding therapy
Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy
Occupational therapy services are offered on a self-pay basis only and are not billed to insurance. Rates are as follows:
Initial evaluation (including 55-minute assessment & full report with findings:) $320.00
Follow-up sessions (including 55 minutes of one-on-one occupational therapy): $160.00
OT evaluations & therapy sessions are available in the Parker Place office. If you are interested in setting up a session, please submit the short contact form below, and a member of our team will reach out to you to discuss scheduling and answer your questions!