Thank you for your generous offer to “adopt” this Receiving Family! Remember, we are only requesting that you purchase toys/gifts for the children in the family (please provide the same number of gifts, and/or the same approximate value of gifts, for each child!). Providing additional clothing, parent/caregiver gifts, and/or a gift card for groceries/necessities are completely optional, and may be purchased at your discretion and as your budget allows!
CHILD #1: A.R.T., GIRL, AGE 13
3 gifts I would love to receive for Christmas:
Hello Kitty pajamas in women’s size 16
Gift card of any type
Makeup set
If a Giving Family wanted to provide clothing:
The clothing item I most need is a winter jacket in women’s size 16.
CHILD #2: A.C., BOY, AGE 8
3 gifts I would love to receive for Christmas:
White Adidas socks
Gift card of any type
Hot Wheels cars
If a Giving Family wanted to provide clothing:
The clothing item I most need is a winter jacket in men’s size Large.
If a Giving Family wishes to provide a gift for the parents/caregivers, we would most appreciate:
Parent/Caregiver #1 (J.T.M., female): Perfume
Parent/Caregiver #2 (E.R.C., male): Wallet or any type of gift card
If we were to receive a gift card for groceries or necessities, the following stores are most accessible to our family:
Please remember to bring your gifts to our office no later than 5:00pm on Monday, December 16th!
Gifts should be unwrapped; however, donations of wrapping paper, gift bags, etc. are always appreciated!
If you have any questions, or if you find you are unable to participate as a Giving Family as planned, please contact our practice manager, Jennifer, at or 410-844-8910.
Most of all, THANK YOU for your generosity in helping this family to have a magical holiday!